Where is My Journey
This moving image work aims to create a diagrammatic moving image poet. A monological conversation creates temporal, visual, aural fissures in the editing process and questions the personal experience and its attached property of time.
Moving Image
This moving image work aims to create a diagrammatic moving image poet. A monological conversation creates temporal, visual, and aural fissures in the editing process and questions the personal experience and its attached property of time.

I aim to deliver the importance of synthesising work between theory, practical work, and personal memories. Along with academic writings, my experimental projects examine the new notion of montage through the lens of Gilles Deleuze's diagram to challenge the conventional structure of time and cinematic spatial qualities in the moving image. It questions what the new notion of the frame can do with cinematic practice and its spatiality and what cinematic practice can do with it. It aims to articulate the meaning of the frame as the spatial formation and mental structure within both the reception space and mode of thought claimed by cinematic elements of montage.